Moore, Ruth, and Eleanor Mayo, 1970's Identifier: 1673 Object ID: 2016.7.46 Catalog: Photos Title: Moore, Ruth, and Eleanor Mayo, 1970's Type: Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph Description: Moore, Ruth, and Eleanor Mayo, 1970's Creator: Esther Moore Trask PastPerfect: View this item using PastPerfect Online Relationships Enlarge Related ReferenceItem 2108 Moore - Ruth Moore (1903-1989)Moore - Ruth Moore (1903-1989)ImagesItem 1655 Mayo, Eleanor, and Ruth Moore, at home.Item 1637 Moore, Ruth, 1949Item 1649 Moore, Ruth, older yearsItem 1645 Moore, Ruth at her typewriter.Item 1584 Gott's Island school c.1915 Citation Esther Moore Trask, “Moore, Ruth, and Eleanor Mayo, 1970's,” Tremont Historical Society, accessed March 14, 2025, 1673 Save this item as a PDF file