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You searched for: Place: [blank]Subject: OtherSubject: Mail DeliverySubject: Hancock County
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  • Other
  • Mail Delivery
  • Northeast Harbor
  • Hancock County
  • Maine
  • Post Offices
  • Postage (9)
  • Postmasters
  • Stamps
Item Object ID Catalog Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date PastPerfect
  • 2016.1.152
  • Archives
Excerpt from 1909 Bar Harbor Record article re: Northeast Harbor Post Office and local mail.
  • Publication, Literary, Article
  • Other, Mail Delivery
  • Other, Northeast Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
  • Other, Post Offices
  • Other, Postage
  • Other, Postmasters
  • Other, Stamps
  • 10/8/2009
  • https://tremonthistory.pastperfectonline.com/archive/7A7A8462-6807-44D3-9A43-164496593050
Excerpt from 1909 Bar Harbor Record article re: Northeast Harbor Post Office and local mail.
  • 2016.1.159
  • Photos
Northeast Harbor post office, 1998
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, Mail Delivery
  • Other, Northeast Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
  • Other, Post Offices
  • Other, Postmasters
  • Other, Stamps
  • Arnold Krommenohl
  • 8/26/1998
  • https://tremonthistory.pastperfectonline.com/photo/136A05E3-E708-415F-BE3C-505196515402
Northeast Harbor post office, 1998
  • 2016.1.158
  • Archives
Pre-stamped postcard sent from Northeast Harbor Post Office 1998.
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Other, Mail Delivery
  • Other, Northeast Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
  • Other, Post Offices
  • Other, Postage
  • Other, Postmasters
  • Other, Stamps
  • 8/26/1998
  • https://tremonthistory.pastperfectonline.com/archive/135E1F96-6739-4E0E-8D5D-864427006210
Pre-stamped postcard sent from Northeast Harbor Post Office 1998.
  • 2016.1.156
  • Archives
Postcard & 1 cent stamp sent from Northeast Harbor Post Office 1905.
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
  • Other, Mail Delivery
  • Other, Northeast Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
  • Other, Post Offices
  • Other, Postage
  • Other, Postmasters
  • Other, Stamps
  • 10/20/1986
  • https://tremonthistory.pastperfectonline.com/archive/62D68A99-28F5-4CC8-9C8B-664695694508
Envelope & 22 cent stamp sent from Northeast Harbor Post Office 1986.
  • 2016.1.155
  • Archives
Postcard & 1 cent stamp sent from Northeast Harbor Post Office 1905.
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
  • Other, Mail Delivery
  • Other, Northeast Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
  • Other, Post Offices
  • Other, Postage
  • Other, Postmasters
  • Other, Stamps
  • 9/6/1893
  • https://tremonthistory.pastperfectonline.com/archive/C08E6C15-3317-47E9-9A55-260016671468
"Mourning envelope" with black border & 2 cent stamp sent from Northeast Harbor Post Office 1893.
  • 2016.1.154
  • Archives
Postcard & 1 cent stamp sent from Northeast Harbor Post Office 1905.
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Other, Mail Delivery
  • Other, Northeast Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
  • Other, Post Offices
  • Other, Postage
  • Other, Postmasters
  • Other, Stamps
  • 9/25/1905
  • https://tremonthistory.pastperfectonline.com/archive/29E02D29-4EE3-4AB3-BD9A-069618473734
Postcard & 1 cent stamp sent from Northeast Harbor Post Office 1905.
  • 2016.1.153
  • Archives
Envelope sent from Northeast Harbor Post Office 1938.
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
  • Other, Mail Delivery
  • Other, Northeast Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
  • Other, Post Offices
  • Other, Postage
  • Other, Postmasters
  • Other, Stamps
  • 5/17/1938
  • https://tremonthistory.pastperfectonline.com/archive/93403500-96E5-4E98-BA14-335526293360
Envelope sent from Northeast Harbor Post Office 1938.
  • 2016.1.160
  • Archives
Pre-stamped postcard sent from Otter Creek Post Office 1945.
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Other, Mail Delivery
  • Other, Northeast Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
  • Other, Post Offices
  • Other, Postage
  • Other, Postmasters
  • Other, Stamps
  • 4/13/1945
  • https://tremonthistory.pastperfectonline.com/archive/68041283-E73C-4A39-A7AE-489428886058
Pre-stamped postcard sent from Otter Creek Post Office 1945.
  • 2016.1.161
  • Archives
Postcard & 3 cent stamp sent from Otter Creek Post Office 1952.
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Other, Mail Delivery
  • Other, Northeast Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
  • Other, Post Offices
  • Other, Postage
  • Other, Postmasters
  • Other, Stamps
  • 8/7/1952
  • https://tremonthistory.pastperfectonline.com/archive/800B0AB5-5F1D-4AD3-B153-814932364001
Postcard & 3 cent stamp sent from Otter Creek Post Office 1952.
  • 2016.1.162
  • Archives
Envelope with 22 cent stamp sent from Otter Creek Post Office 1986.
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
  • Other, Mail Delivery
  • Other, Northeast Harbor, Hancock County, Maine
  • Other, Post Offices
  • Other, Postage
  • Other, Postmasters
  • Other, Stamps
  • 10/20/1986
  • https://tremonthistory.pastperfectonline.com/archive/85D81AC6-8256-4FAD-ACC0-351520323149
Envelope with 22 cent stamp sent from Otter Creek Post Office 1986.